July 22, 2011

Please, help...

We have only to 2 days to raise money to help orphanage with paint! We are sooo thankful to those who already donated! We cherish each $ and cent! We praise the lord for that! But we are so far away from our goal...

Don`t these pictures scare you? Imagine orphans have to live in these places and use these things! More pictures here.

We beg Jesus will help these orphans who live there!Please, will you help us? Time is running out...

Orphans who without parents, some of them never have seen them since their birth.They even can not imagine how it to be in family, feel loving and be darling. They have no hope, no future, no protection, no encouragement.They feel lonely, unwanted and neglectly. And they have to live here. It brings to them more stress and no sense to live.We Church of Christ, we should to care and help orphans! It is our  liability! It is heartbreaking and afflict to see these awful places.

 Please, help us to bring if only a little light to lives of these poor children. We hope you will open your heart and be hands of Jesus Christ. Will you?
Please, share this need with others. We appreciate each your step to help orphans in Ukraine!Thank you!Blessings to you!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25