June 28, 2011

We need only $125!

WOW! What a blessing we have! It is amazing! Thank you very much to those who donated to help Anna to get a new wheelchair!Thank you to open hearts to help this poor girl!We are so exciting about this blessing!

We need only $125 to come true her dream and help her in big need! We can only imagine how she will be happy to get a new wheelchair! She spends half of her life using it. We Christians have to show Christ love to those who in needs.
Can you imagine her happiness, joy and glory to Jesus to get a new one?Can you imagine how she will be happy to get a new gift from Jesus?How she will be glorify Him?!

Please, help will come true Anna dream and need! Thank you!May the Lord bless each of you!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25