June 3, 2011

Сonquering of Jericho

Сonquering of Jericho it was a subject our last meeting with orphans which we visit regularly every Friday.I would like came back 2 weeks ago and tell you about blessings which we had during this time before graduation of orphans. It was amazing and great! Even 2 weeks have gone but we still exciting! We are exciting God`s blessings and His mercy to us!
We were busy much i did not have a time to say about it. Little by little i will try to tell you all blessings we have!
We can not be silent about it! We have to praise the Lord, tell everyone how He is great and wonderful and He is alive God Who still makes miracles today!

Bible says:"Both young men, and maidens; old men, and children:Let them praise the name of the LORD: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven." Psalm 148:12-13(KJV)  and all Psalm 148
Oh my goodness!We were so blessed when we came to orphanage some children already waited for us, some of them run to us and helped to carry our bags. But most of all we were shocked when more and more and more children came to class.More and more children were arriving and joined.WOW! What a blessing! They all wanted to hear God`s Word!Can you believe that?We were amazed to see all kids! We had full class!We were so happy, blown away and thankful to the Lord!

I remember a time when we thought that more children will come to Bible lesson. We knew children who wanted to join but we have very small class and do not have a place for them. Each time when we go we do not know what room we will use for our meeting. We were thinking how will decide this matter that other kids could be with us.
But this time God blessed and we even did not expect it!Yes, class is not big, some children had to stand because was not chairs but everyone was happy. It was amazing!
This time we decided to do unusually lesson.We made craft in beginning of lesson. As our subject of the Lesson was about Jericho, we made a horn.

We used cardboard toilet paper tubes and we made paper cone for children.It took us almost all night to prepare it!Yes, we  got tired but we were exciting to make it to help children.
 Children needed to put together tube and cone and fasten off it by a scotch tape. After that they colored their horns.

In this time other kiddos were curious and have watched through the window.

After that we placed glue and children did put their horns in color glitter they wanted.We had 3 colors of glitter red, green and gold.

Yes, it was a mess! But children LOVED these horns! They could to blow and showed everyone their horns and told the Bible story!They were excited by it!
Nastya loves to help us clean a class after the mess.Paul is enjoying his horn.
After the Bible story about conquering of Jericho we have played a game. As all time they all pulled up their hands! They all wanted to play!
Children needed to walked around of our Jericho wall how much Bible says.When children walked around of the wall, some of them did blow in their horns.
When children were walking last circle around of the wall, everyone in class did blow in their horns. It was so much funny!Children really enjoyed this Bible story!
Nadya and Oksana conducted a game "Help spies escape".Children answered questions about the Bible story  in order to get to move the spies down the wall.

                                                   Kids loved this game!

The meeting with kids was wonderful and amazing! Children did not want to let us go and helped us to load everything into the van.
Some boys were running until they could to see us and waved their hands.
But here is the end...they can not leave this place...It is so heavy to leave them here...

It was our last meeting of Bible lesson.Next autumn we will continue learn Bible stories and Bible heroes, if God`s will.Some kids will go to summer camp which we know.Probably we will see them there?We hope.
We were so blessed and exciting came back to home! We admired of our sweet kiddos!How they are precious and darling!We were blown away how the Lord blessed our time with these amazing kids! It was fantastic day!How is wonderful our Lord Jesus!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25