May 19, 2011

What did we do last Saturday?

We are so busy right now that i do not have a time to post!I`m so sorry! We are going to orphanage tomorrow, also Saturday and next week on Monday and Tuesday.We need to be ready. Simply the head is going round!Please, pray for us!Thank you!

So,what did we do last Saturday?God blessed and we could to visit orphanage what we visit regularly!We could to have Bible lesson with kids and had meeting with teens!What a blessed day we had!

Bible lesson with children

At this time class was full of children!We were so happy!

As all time we congratulated our kids with their birthday what they had.Did they were happy!Of course!When they, came back to the their places, they showed the gifts to other children.They were glad!

Then when we have studied a new song, have remembered last Bible story, Nadja has shown an object lesson.She has shown them two eggs, an one has been boiled, and other crude.If to look, it is difficult to define.  They are of the identical size and color.Children tried to twist that to define what egg was crude, and what boiled.
When children have defined where egg was crude. Nadya has explained to children. The egg what is not turn, it is heavier for breaking, when  break up about boiled egg etc.Also heart of the Pharaoh was cruel and proud, didn't want to humbled  to release the Hebrews from Egypt.
After that children could hear Bible history, about ten Egyptian plagues.

After that we were able to play with children in games that they have better remembered Bible story.
Here children chose plague, told about it and placed on a blackboard.

                                        In the end we had such pyramid of a plagues.

The following game of Nadya has conducted. Children chose plastic eggs at number what they wanted, and answered a question on the Egyptian plague.
It was very simple game. We didn't think at all and did not expect children with such big desire will want to play in it.As always was a lot of interested to play and did pull upwards the hands that have chosen them to play!What a joy!

Also we have studied the Bible verse.
"I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour."  Isaiah 43:11
And could to play game that children have remembered the verse. It was the big blessing when some children told the Bible verse for memory.

As always in the end we did a craft, a locust. As it was one of 10 plagues which God sent to Egypt. We used a clothespin and a color chenille stem.

Each child colored the locust of color what they wanted.On a locust have placed the Bible verse that learned at a lesson. That to save time we printed it in advance and have distributed to children.Children very much rejoiced to it!
Also we didn't expect that children will ask from us color chenille stems more!

It is very easy material with which children like to work. From it it is possible to do various crafts. We try to change whenever possible crafts that children would develop and learned to work with different materials.At present we haven't enough color chenille stems. Can you please to help us? We  don't have such in Ukraine. It is  pleasant to children very much!Thank you!

Here is example

Meeting with teens

As this day was solar and very warm. Sasha and Lyuba had a meeting with teenagers in the street.They also had a magnificent meeting!
Children sang and glorified Lord in the beginning of meeting
Then Sasha said and taught that to everyone loving God all becomes to good.And if they love the Lord should trust Him with all heart.
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Then they had time for games.They had very and very much fine time!

When we left, we said goodbye to children.Seemingly  children didn't want to disperse too...
Most of all it was regrettable and hurt for children of senior pupils. We won't see children even three months! It is a lot of! Children and we miss throughout this time.

 We saw children of senior pupils last time probably.In May, 27th the next Friday they will have a graduation..
And we don't know or we will see them once again. We very much want to congratulate, say goodbye to them and to present  gifts about which we ask the Lord to help us.

When we have left orphanage, the heart was compressed, became sick for them. Nobody knows that waits for them ahead... What difficulties they will meet? What expects them in the future, God knows only.

Tears act from eyes when you reconsider their photos. You remember how many all we have worried together. How many afflictions and pleasures, how many tears and blessings, how many experiences and the happy moments. So many the different and blessed moments! You look at their photos and you see as they have grown! Can not believe how they grow fast!

All children throughout 6 years visited Bible lessons. Many of them asked Jesus to saved them! And we are so  glad! We trust and we hope that the seed sowed in their hearts will bring in due time a fruit. Only when? It is a matter of time...

We ask you please help us to bless orphans, to say goodbye to them, probably to see last time on this earth...
We have already $250! And we are so glad to it and are grateful to those who has offered!
If the Lord gives you desire, please visit this blog of our Friends, who is doing a great work to help us, help orphans and little girl Terry Lynn who soon will be transmit to an mental institution.  There you can learn all details. Thank you so much and God bless you!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25