May 13, 2011

time is running out...please help!

We have only two weeks...We have only two weeks to see orphans who will graduate orphanages...We have only two weeks come and see them, spend time and tell about Jesus.We have only two weeks to worship Jesus Christ in songs together for His Glory.We have only two weeks to give them hope and gladness...

After that they will leave walls of orphanages and start their own separate life with their new "adult life". They turned out 15-16 years old and they have to leave orphanage.Most of all a problem is , they are not ready to start independent life.They are unprepared to live for life outside of the orphanage.They can not even imagine how to live !You have to find food, place where to live, college where to study or job etc.
The graduates are disadvantaged by limited education, inadequate life skills, and little or no family support. They also miss the connections with the orphanage and their friends. Rejection, loneliness and hopelessness leave them vulnerable to peer pressure and destructive behavior.

Many of them wait unemployment, homelessness, abusing drugs, prostitution and a victim of formation of human trade - only a few from results.

Do you know that?

·60% of orphanage “graduates” are unemployed

·50% use drugs and abuse alcohol

·15% fall into prostitution to survive

.10% commit suicide, crime etc...

Some of them do not have a place where to live for many reasons.

The big lump in throat and tears running on our cheeks because we know what they will meet and how hard will be for them.

Only our Lord knows will we meet them again or maybe never...
We beg Jesus with tears in eyes to help these orphans...Please, can you help us in our Special Project? We are so far away from a sum what we need.Please, help us to be Christian not in the words only but in doing also.
Bible says:"If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food,And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?" James 2:15-16

Can you please, to help us to show the love Christ to kids in acts?
"My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth."1 John 3:18

Dear Friend, you can be a part of this ministry too! Let`s show together the Love of Christ for His Glory!

We are so thankful to those who already donated to our Special Project!We already have $110! Also we know many of you praying for that.We are thankful also!

Please, please, help us as much as you can able, donation, prayer, spread the word etc...Please, visit the blog our friends who helping us with this project. 
Thank you!!!

May the Lord bless you in each step you will do!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25