February 28, 2011

Seminar for children with special needs

We are so blessed!God gave us opportunity to be on seminar for children with special needs on Saturday.This seminar was in Kiev and names "Signs and speech". It was conducted by the charitable organisation Down syndrome.
The 2 nice lady from Sweden Katarina Lindberger and Anneli Tisell came to Ukraine.They both have children and each of them have boy with Down syndrome.  They came to seminar to teach and explain about signs.How we can communicate with children who have special needs.
About 35-40 people came to this seminar.Most of them are parents who have children with special needs.

The seminar was lead by Anneli Tisell – the director of the Swedish publishing center “Hatten Förlag”, specializing on release of training materials for development of speech of children with the limited possibilities. Anneli also is the author of the book «Signs and speech», translated into Russian, and mother of 13-year-old Nils with a Down syndrome.The redactor of this book is Katarina Lindberger.

As Anneli speaks:
«The reality surrounding the child frequently is perceived by it as a certain medley of impressions. Events proceed very quickly and it is difficult to child to understand that he sees and hears. We simultaneously show something and we speak. The child with the slowed down development needs to help to learn to understand impression. Using signs, we also do it. Gesture function – to underline speech. By means of gestures you allocate the main sense of speech. The child perceives your words accompanied by gestures, also as you perceive the text in which the most important phrases are underlined. One of the major functions of gesture – to force the child to participate in conversation. Gesture – draws attention of the child, promotes concentration of attention, provides effect of participation. When you use gestures, it is possible to transfer sensations of the child as« I understand that occurs ».

At a seminar were discussed such questions, as:
- Signs and speech - the communications tool;
- Researches and the facts;
- Formation signs environments;
- How and when it is possible to define that the child needs gestures;
and many other things.

We have taken out a lot of practical and the helpful information for the further work with children.The seminar was very interesting and informative.We are so glad we could to be there and got new knowledge about special kids!

We are glad we can use these knowledge in our ministry.Of course, it is real and real hard. Thise information you can use just to few children 1 or 2 but not for 80 or 40 in one time! We will try to do the best we can!
We need God`s wisdom! :)

 Here are some pictures

                                Anneli Tisell and Katarina Lindberger
                                Some part of our team with guests

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25